Call for papers (special session) |
Organised by Dr Emilia Barakova Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Emotions in Groups and Crowds:
Detection and monitoring of emotions in crowds and groups is gaining increasingly more interest in the affective computing, and surveillance communities, as it will enable the development of systems and technologies able to behave according to the emotional state of multiple human users. Emotions in single individuals have been explored to a great extent by means of facial expressions, speech, body language and physiological measurements. Most of these approaches are not applicable when dealing with multiple individuals. In real world settings, most of the above mentioned measurements become extremely noisy or the measurement methods infeasible.
The special session aims to have papers addressing the study of emotions and affective states in groups and crowds from a multidisciplinary perspective. Engineering studies should be well-grounded in the existing literature from sociology, psychology and neuroscience and applicable to real-life scenarios with a particular focus on collectives, ranging from small groups to crowds. Investigating several aspects of the dynamics of emotions in collectives such as emotion contagion and regulation is of particular interest.
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers (please see information for authors, indicating as a topic "Emotions in Groups and Crowds") in the scope of emotional models applicable to real-life scenarios, experimental studies and applications, approaches for measurement and analysis of psycho-physiological markers related to emotions, case studies, critical reviews and datasets. The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Perceiving emotion in groups and crowds
- Emotion contagion models for crowds
- Recognizing emotions expressed by postures and movements
- Emotion regulation in groups and crowds
- Measuring emotions in crowds
- Design for emotion de-escalation in crowds
- Emotions in agent-based crowds
- Robots for detection and expression of emotion in groups and crowds
The special session will combine a keynote talk by Dr Barakova, presentations by participants whose papers were accepted and a panel discussion. All the accepted papers will be published as a regular paper from the conference (published by the IET and normally indexed in Inspec, IEEE Xplore and Scopus).
For further details please contact the Special Session organiser: Dr Emilia Barakova