Invited Talks Session: 16 December, 09:30-11:00
As per previous years, there will be a session devoted to invited talks from practitioners. |
09:30-10:00 |
Dr Jean-François Delaigle (ACIC S.A., Belgium). How to successfully manage technology transfer in video content analysis: the journey from academic research labs to off-the-shelf products
Jean-François Delaigle has more than 15 years’ experience in the field of image and video processing. In addition, he holds a PhD on the watermarking of images.
For over 10 years, he has been working on intelligent videosurveillance, firstly in his previous job as head of the image department at MULTITEL and, since 2008, as CEO of ACIC.
While devoting all his energies to the development of ACIC, he has found ways to combine innovation and pragmatism in order to offer his customers effective solutions and to reconcile technological development and profitability for his company.
Jean-François Delaigle has a long list of scientific publications in the domain of image processing and has participated to numerous research programmes, always having the development of innovative technologies as an objective.
He is regularly appointed as evaluator and reviewer of collaborative research project by the European Commission.
10:00-10:30 |
Prash Mahendrarajah CAST Project Manager (Home Office Centre for Applied Science and Technology). The talk will deal with Video Analytics for end user requirements and an update to iLIDS. |
10:30-11:00 |
Suzanne Little (Dublin City University, Ireland). The EU SAVASA Project.
This project proposes the creation of a video archive search platform that allows authorised users to perform semantic queries over various remote and non-interoperable video archives. The project will exploit the current trends in computer vision, video retrieval and semantic video analysis. It is also a goal of the project to ensure that its results can be deployed in distributed systems and as software services. The goal of the SAVASA project is to create a common platform that provides for the decoupling of CCTV and Video Archive installations from technologies that are generally proprietary and based on diverse technical principles. The project will be rooted in a detailed analysis of end-user partners' requirements, with respect to how we may confront both their current and near-future technical barriers.
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