Special Session for EU Projects: 17 December, 09:40-11:20
This year we will have a special session of invited talks from the European Commission and relevant EU projects.
EU Security Projects |
Dr. Massimo Ciscato (European Commission):
Dr Massimo Ciscato holds a PhD in Science and a Master's in Information Technology. After working for a few years in the private sector, he joined the European Commission in 2007 as a Project Officer, to supervise research projects funded under the EU 7th Framework Programme (FP7) in the area of ICT Trust and Security. In 2010 he moved to the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission, where he is currently Research Programme Officer and Deputy Call Coordinator Security Research.
He will present a brief overview of the main FP7 security projects related to imaging for crime prevention and detection, followed by an introduction to the funding opportunities for security research under the new Framework Programme Horizon 2020.
VideoSense |
Prof. Atta Badii (University of Reading, UK): VideoSense European Centre of Excellence in Surveillance VideoAnalytics: Architectural and Operational Privacy Protection within an Inter-disciplinary Research Framework |
Mrs. Carmela Occhipinti (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. (Project Coordinator): The ADVISE project.
ADVISE (Advanced Video Surveillance archives search Engine for security applications) is a research project co-funded by the FP7-Security Workprogramme of the European Commission, aimed at designing and developing a unification framework for surveillance-footage archive systems. The ADVISE project results will ease the work of law enforcement authorities in their fight against crime and terrorism, through negotiation of all relevant legal, ethical and privacy constraints, and through location based video archive selection and efficient evidence mining of multiple, heterogeneous video archives.
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